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Uniforms speak volumes about your business. What do they say about yours? Marketing a business – any business – is all about communicating. It goes far beyond snazzy ads and fancy social media posts. Everything that customers see is part of the message you are sending. That includes uniforms.
The smallest detail of your uniforms represents an aspect of your company – all that it stands for and all that it offers.
From the overall quality of your uniforms to their smallest detail, every choice you make on your uniforms has an impact on your brand’s image. Your uniforms should project everything good and reliable about your business:
The first thing your uniforms do is put your brand front and center. They play an integral role in making that great first impression. How well or poorly designed your uniforms are will influence how your customers remember your brand.
Brand recall, being primarily visual, depends heavily on what your customers see. Do they see a mumbo jumbo of ill-fitting color combinations? Is your brand name legible on the uniforms? In what way will they remember your brand, if at all, when they see a similar color scheme elsewhere?
Customers are more likely to trust employees that wear uniforms. It is, after all, easier to feel safe when you know who’s who in a business. Additionally, uniforms help differentiate employees from customers.
It does not stop there, however. Having a uniform does not automatically make your brand appear more professional and credible. The design of your uniforms should also convey the image that you wish for your brand to be remembered.
Choosing your uniform design dictates perception. The decision to be seen as the quirky little store or the one with the snooty, high-street salespeople is entirely up to you (or at least up to the uniform design you choose).
Believe it or not, your uniforms speak volumes about your credibility and integrity as an employer. If you need proof, you need only articles like this and this. The public perceived the companies behind these uniforms as lacking in foresight or downright uncaring for the welfare of its employees. That’s not the kind of message you want to send your target market.
With the growing power of the internet’s share button, the last thing you want is to gain infamy over employee maltreatment through poorly designed uniforms.
Aside from designs, the overall quality of your uniforms is just as important in your branding effort. The design falls short, still, if the overall fabric quality, detailing, and maintenance are poor. After all, one can’t trust a business to provide quality products and service when their uniforms look low quality.
Clean Uniforms and More! can help you get the best uniforms for your brand. Give us a call today at (800) 32-CLEAN or send us a message here to learn more about our fantastic uniform options.