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What does buying cheaper floor mats really get you? It’s easy to see why the less expensive option is your first choice.
There is that immediate feeling of victory and satisfaction associated with the idea of having “saved” big bucks from choosing the item with the lower price tag. But when it boils down to quality, what are you truly getting from your cheap floor mats?
The old adage “you get what you pay for” might be true elsewhere – but in the case of business floor mats, it’s a complete lie. Where you think you may have saved on costs from buying the less expensive floor mats, you are going to pay for them time and time again in these ways:
Dirt and dust control costs. According to the International Sanitary Supply Association, it costs more than $600 to remove just a single pound of dirt from a modern building. And this pound of dirt can accumulate in as little as four days in the summer and twelve times faster during the winter months. Your cheap floor mats of choice will hardly make a dent in these numbers, costing you both the amount of floor mats plus the amount of cleanup.
Frequent replacements. Cheap business floor mats are made of exactly what they say they are made of: cheap materials that cannot not handle more than a few weeks under heavy foot traffic. Low-quality floor mats not only lack the durability you need for something as busy as your commercial space, but the poor material and manufacturing quality make these floor mats prone to folding at the edges, creating tripping hazards.
Slip, trip, and fall accidents. 85% of all workers’ compensation claims are due to slipping accidents, which are commonly caused by slippery floors or poor floor mat traction. Not to mention, slip, trip, and fall accidents cost on average over $30,000 – an amount which you may have to shoulder in a settlement case or easily exceed should accident claims go the distance of a trial. The “savings” you make from buying cheap floor mats don’t seem worth risking your employees’ and customers’ health and wellbeing, productivity, and the cost of medical bills and compensation.
The medical leave costs of lower extremity strain. If your business requires employees to stand on their feet all day, it is imperative that you provide your workers with anti-fatigue mats to help alleviate the strains and pains that prolonged standing brings. But your cheap anti-fatigue mats might not be equipped enough to stimulate the micro-movements that high-quality anti-fatigue mats are supposed to deliver. Instead, you are simply running the risk of pains and injuries related to overfatigue of the lower extremities, which will definitely cause your business to lose productivity to sick days.
Your commercial floor mats are far from basic floor cleaning implements. The right choice in floor mats could bring you benefits that would not only improve the look of your commercial space but can also save you big bucks in the long run:
Cleaner facilities. Floors are among the first things customers notice when they enter your business, and clean, well-kept floor mats and spotless floors always get an approving look. Clean floors always signal attention to detail and care for the welfare of the customer.
Excellent floor protection. Floor repairs and renovations are never easy on the budget, even for the most established business. The right floor mats will give your floors ample protection against foot traffic, moisture, dirt and other debris. It can also help delay the costly effects of wear and tear, thereby adding more years to your flooring.
Floor mats that work exactly like they’re supposed to. Whether you’re working with anti-fatigue mats or the more specialized anti-static mats, the right floor mats will deliver their intended function, thereby giving you your money’s worth – down to the last cent.
Quality floor mats don’t have to drain your budget! Get better floor matting options without the sky-high costs with the help of Clean Uniforms and More! We have an array of topnotch quality floor mats perfectly suited for various business and industrial applications. Contact us today at (800) 32-CLEAN!