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Heat impacts the productivity of all businesses negatively, but it doesn’t have to.
Clean Uniforms is prepared to stand up to the hot environments employees work in. Our uniforms are designed to help with three major issues related to the heat.
The first thing that comes to mind when considering how heat impacts productivity are the various illnesses it can cause. Heatstroke is by far the most common and is a direct result of the body being unable to maintain a healthy temperature. Heat exhaustion is another common illness that occurs when the body loses too much water. Beyond these two most prevalent ailments, there are several other debilitating conditions that each come with their own share of issues.
More than just productivity, these serious health concerns could lead to long-term and sometimes fatal problems for workers. Clean Uniforms supplies uniforms that are made to keep their wearers cool. They are made of linens that are insulated against the heat, have cool interiors, and are sweat-absorbant.
Comfortable uniforms are great ways to increase focus in employees. Anyone stuck in a hot environment with equally hot uniforms isn’t thinking about the task at hand. They’re thinking about how miserable they feel. Workers will cut corners, not pay attention to what they’re doing, and be far less motivated to succeed in bad uniforms.
Clean Uniforms knows how much quality apparel affects productivity. That’s why each product we supply maximizes comfort for their wearers, especially in hot environments. We also clean them ourselves in our commercial laundry facilities. Sweat-absorption is a useful feature, but without washing the uniform it will stink. We also maintain the quality of our uniforms through our tracking system and repair and replace everything with even the tiniest flaw for free.
Heat impacts productivity by more than just causing illnesses and straining focus. A study done at the University of Chicago found that it also increases absenteeism. Just a single degree increase in average temperature increased the probability of a working not showing up by up to 5%. If uniforms aren’t up to snuff and they have to suffer potentially fatal health problems then who can blame them?
The Clean Uniforms difference boils down to products made with wearers in mind. Staff shouldn’t dread coming to work because of the bodily harm and stress they may face. Our uniforms encourage employees to wear them with comfort, insulation, and protection from the elements. Our uniforms will improve the working experience of employees in any industry.
Clean Uniforms understands how heat impacts productivity. Our service will help prevent these negative impacts if you call us at (508) 996-3333 or contact us here.