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How clean are your lab coats?
For as long as they’ve been around, lab coats have since been associated with hygiene and healthcare services. An unfortunate irony is that most professionals’ white coats are not as clean as they should be.
A study by the Miller School of Medicine found many medical professionals don’t wash their lab coats frequently enough. Couple these findings with white-coat syndrome and you have some a potentially devastating blow to public trust in medical professionals. As a result, some medical professionals are even calling for the abolishment of the white coat!
Just how important is it to always have clean lab coats? The answer lies in two factors: safety and perception.
Because of their daily exposure, it is inevitable that lab coats end up harboring dangerous pathogens. Keeping medical clothing clean not only prevents them from turning into wearable petri dishes, but helps maintain their integrity.
Properly laundered coats last significantly longer than unwashed or incorrectly washed coats. The need to be processed thoroughly in a way that is appropriate for the fabric type. When done correctly, their chance of damage is minimized. Damage like ripping, permanent staining, irreversible discoloration, are far more likely when improperly cared for.
When cared for properly, white lab coats not only maintain structural integrity and appearance, but are easier to thoroughly clean. As a result, they stay viable garments longer and provide more thorough, consistently reliable protection.
The lab coat is associated with the medical profession and thus has an impact on patient perception and trust. In a field where the customer must trust their health and wellbeing to the professional, first impressions can mean everything. The smallest stain appears suspicious, the slightest tear negligent, and hint of thinning fabric concerning. Anything that appears less than pristine can damage trust before it gets a chance to form. Wearing a lab coat that falls short is a gamble that nobody wins.
The study mentioned above is telling. The problem stems from a lack of time, not an unwillingness to thoroughly clean. Demands of a medical professional’s job simply requires so much that keeping lab coats clean falls on the backburner.
This is why your medical facility should enroll in a linen and uniform rental program. With regular pickups and deliveries, your medical professionals get clean, safe lab coats at every shift without the hassle.
The right medical linen and uniform service provider for your facility is within reach. Talk to us today! Contact Clean Uniforms and More! to learn more about our products, services, rent-or-buy options, and customization service. Don’t forget to request a free quote! Call (800) 32-CLEAN today.