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This year, Clean Uniforms and More! turns 100! What better way for us to celebrate our success story and our country’s Independence where it all began a century ago, in our hometown of New Bedford? We are proudly working with the City of New Bedf...
When it gets colder and snow becomes imminent, you know you need to prepare your business and employees. The same goes for summer heat, humidity, and rain....
This year, Clean Uniforms and More! is celebrating 100 years of service. Check out this infographic to learn more about our company’s vibrant history!...
Business casual: it’s a fashion term that gets tossed and thrown around a little too often but is rarely clearly defined. If you have a this type of dress code at work, this can leave employees struggling to figure out exactly what is required of t...
What does buying cheaper floor mats really get you? It’s easy to see why the less expensive option is your first choice....
Your choice of company uniforms can mean the difference between an effective brand boost and a total waste of time. While there is only so much you can do to be creative with professional garments, there still are ways to make your uniforms stand out...
Whether you’re in the manufacturing, automotive or print industries, or if you simply run a corporate office, employee uniforms are essential to the productivity and success of your company. The employees you hire are the face of your business....
Whether we’re folding uniforms or out on the road, we take safety seriously at Clean Uniforms and More! We care about the health and well-being of our employees and our community. That’s why we’re proud to announce that we have succ...
Dust, dirt, grime and moisture are your deadly silent enemies. Research proves that 70 to 80% (International Sanitary Supply Association) of dirt, dust, grime and moisture found in commercial buildings is tracked in from the outside and is sprea...